2016-2017 Financial Update

There was a call put out via a letter to see what the friends of the school could provide. With several situations that happened, it put the School in a financial shortfall. The response from everyone has been amazing! Many parents are helping out with increases in many areas, teachers have done their part, donations have come in, etc. We also implemented other financial moves and with all the things that have happened, we have good news.
Though we have a much clearer path going forward, we still need everyone to do as much as they can. The biggest need above donations is to increase our student enrollment even more. We have had a strong increase throughout the school year so far, but we still need more to put us on a more stable foundation.

Thank you to everyone!

We also now have a Gofund me page to help cover the shortfall for the teachers. Please send this to as many as you can. Victory Academy Go Fund Me

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